Installation Instructions

System Dependencies

Python 3.6 or 3.7.


Create a virtual environment and install with:

pip install tdameritrade-cli

If your virtual environment is located at $HOME/.virtualenvs/NAME_OF_VENV, then add the CLI to your path with:

ln -s $HOME/.virtualenvs/NAME_OF_VENV/bin/tda-cli $HOME/.local/bin/tda-cli

And open a new shell. You can test the installation with tda-cli --help

To update the package, navigate to the virtual environment directory and run:

bin/pip install --upgrade tdameritrade-cli


  1. If not already present on your system, install Python 3 here.

  2. Open a CMD shell, create a new directory where you’d like to install the CLI, enter it, and create a virtual environment:

    mkdir td-cli
    cd td-cli
    py -m venv .
  3. Install the CLI into the virtual environment:

    Scripts\pip install tdameritrade-cli
  4. Add the package’s Scripts directory (located at tda-cli\Scripts) to your path (instructions).

  5. Open a new shell and test the installation with tda-cli --help.

  6. To update the package, navigate to the virtual environment directory and run:

    Scripts\pip install --update tdameritrade-cli


For usage instructions, consult the quickstart.